Although there are several obstacles that make the industry are reluctant to use this welding technique, in fact there are some business improvements that have been made, both in technique and quality of welding electrodes, that is :

- Hydrogen cracking and HAZ hardness in the area can be minimized or avoided by the application of multiple temper bead (MTB). The concept of this technique is to control the ratio of heat (heat input) between the layers of the welding bead. Heat control, the size of the weld bead on the first layer should be adjusted so that the minimum penetration into the material could be obtained. Likewise for the second layer and so on. There are three parameters that affect the quality of welding in the application of this MTB, which is the distance between the bead tempering, welding time range, and heat input.
- Buttering technique can also be used primarily for materials with more than 0.4% CE. Electrodes used butter can have the oxidizing agent electrode or electrodes Thermit.
- Usage of the electrode with the oxidizing agent. This agent will absorb hydrogen or oxygen gas is absorbed in the HAZ.
- Use of Thermit electrodes can also be used. Electrodes of this type will produce a high heat and the provision of weld material (weld metal) are slightly thereby reducing the rate of cooling of the welding by the surrounding temperature, causing a kind of post weld heat treatment process.
- Nickel-based electrodes can not withstand the hydrogen to diffuse into HAZ area. Unfortunately the hardness in the HAZ area is still high and the welding quality is only good for up to 10 meters depth.