Rail transport reasons leading to the location of the manufacturer is usually cut into the rail tracks with a length of 25 m. To increase the convenience of the train that runs on top of the rail is connected. Connecting rails done in several ways:

Thermite welding
One common way is by thermite welding location so it can be a continuous rail. Welding using thermite welding using the chemical compounds of iron which is placed between the rails and then the material is reacted at temperatures up to dilute the chemical and connect the rails, the waste products of chemical reactions are then cut and trim the rails.
Electric welding flash / Flash Butt Welding
One other way that is used in welding the railway line is to welding flashes of electricity or in English is called "Flash Butt Welding", ie by approaching the end of the two pieces to be welded rails that have been given an electrical charge to the current very large, so when this happens there will be a flash of electricity that will heat up and melt the tip is brought near the second rail. Once the rails are brought near the second end of the incandescent and melts, the second rail ends together with a large pressurized (150 - 300 kg/cm3) so that the ends of two pieces of rail are fused and then leveled and smoothing when the rails are still glowing. The advantages of this method is not needed materials such as thermite welding, and the results of welded joints in the rails is more powerful than using thermite welding, weld flash but it takes a shorter time, which is only 15 minutes per point of welding, as compared to thermite welding that takes time 25-30 minutes per point of welding. However, this method is not very suitable and dangerous in Indonesia, because the electric current can flow on the rail to the other rail. Given the many rail lines in various areas are densely populated, sometimes there are people especially children are innocently or accidentally touching the rails were given an electrical charge that can pose a shock hazard.
Bolted connection
Fishplate between the two rails which are connected
This connection is used on a buffer called the fish plate is bolted to the rails to be joined. With such a connection will be felt at the time of running the train.