Knowledge of Welding Quality

Aluminum Welding to Iron

Welding between the two different metals, namely aluminum and steel using electric arc welding process cannot produce a good connection. This is caused by several factors as follows:
1. Melting point difference is too big between the iron and aluminum. This difference is exacerbated by
    differences in the specific heat, the temperature of fusion, thermal conductivity, and others.

2. The level of wet-ability of aluminum over steel is not good.

3. Soluble iron in aluminum causes embrittlement (embrittlement) with FeAL3 phase formation. as well as
    inter-phase alloys AlNi produce metal with properties that are less good.
Therefore, welding two different metals using a puck between (intermediate piece) which consists of two kinds of material (bimetal) kadang2 even three metal (Trimetal) inserts called and placed between the aluminum and alloys of Ni or Fe alloys.

Welding then implemented using the appropriate welding materials with predetermined combinations of materials.

for iron welding with Al-bronze coating done buttering iron hand side of the weld filler material ERCuAl Al-bronze-A1 (with the GTAW process) and then welded back with an insert of material (Al-Bronze) using weld filler material El-AlSi12 (with the SMAW), as well as connecting Al with Al-Bronze with welding filler material El-AlSi12.


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Aluminum Welding to Iron